Saturday, 4 January 2020

Tiny PETSCII Compo 2020

Late last night I noticed a new compo on CSDb called the 'Tiny PETSCII Compo 2020' with the quite simple rules of producing a PETSCII no bigger than 8x8 chars (or smaller than 2x2 chars) and 2 colours (1 main colour and a background colour).  Rules and various entries can be found on the compo page here.

After noticing the compo, I decided to enter with a couple of images that were started last night and finished this morning.  The first 2 below are mine and the final is from my grandson, who I roped into doing one too!

The first above is called "That's No Moon" for, hopefully, obvious reasons?  The second, hopefully just as obvious, is called "Yodascii".  The final is called "PETendo", a portamento of PETSCII and Nintendo - it's a GameBoy if you can't tell!

The images were pixelled in my (still unreleased) screen editor, 'ChillED' and I wrote some quick and dirty code to display them.

If you want to download them as a bundle, click here.

Alternatively, you can download them individually on their respective CSDb pages using the following linkies:

That's No Moon



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