Thursday, 18 April 2019

RapidFire BBS Graphics

I've been coding a cross-dev C64 screen editor called 'ChillED', mainly for producing levels for a little C64 game I'm working on.  While coding and testing the editor, I posted a few of the example screens I pixelled on my Twitter page and ended up being contacted by pcollins of the group Excess asking for some PETSCII logos for the RapidFire BBS, which he is sysop of.

The list I was given included logos for various pages such as 'Disk Mag', 'Best of...' and 'Request' as well as some logos for group pages.  Here is what I came up with, which hopefully should be included on the BBS soon...

Although the PETSCII's were pixelled in my own 'work in progress' editor, they were needed in a format called 'SEQ', a sequence of screen characters.  Unfortunately, my editor cannot export this format yet, so they were imported into the excellent online screen editor, 'PETSCII Editor' and then saved off as SEQ's ready for the BBS.

The PETSCII's can be downloaded and viewed on a D64 image here, that also contains a viewer that runs on both a real C64 and in WinVICE.

If you have CGTerm installed on your computer or can access BBS's using your real C64, the images should hopefully be on the RapidFire BBS soon, which can be accessed by following: